Pembroke Cambridge Summer Programme

To minimize confusion regarding which courses offered at the Pembroke Cambridge Summer Programme are eligible for transfer credit (pending departmental approval), in consultation with the Office of Undergraduate Education, the OIE has curated a list of courses that have been pre-approved for credit. If you wish to have these courses count toward your concentration or secondary field you must have the appropriate department adviser review the courses separately. If your concentration/secondary field department approves one course as fulfilling a concentration/secondary requirement, then your other course(s) must come from the list below. Please note that you must be enrolled in three courses to earn the equivalent of two Harvard courses (8-credits) or two courses to earn the equivalent of one Harvard course (4-credits).


Independent supervision is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please speak with Camila Nardozzi, Director for the OIE, if you are interested in taking a supervision for credit.